Posts Tagged ‘Meditation’

Easy Meditation Tip – Sitting In Nature

One of my favorite things to do in my down time is to sit in nature and just be.  I enjoy listening to the different birds, seeing and feeling the breeze and sitting in the warm sun.

I find that being in nature really helps me to clear my mind quickly and balance my energy.  I love to do this at the end of the day or in between clients.

Below is a video showing one of the many views in my yard of sitting in nature.




How To Get Better At Grounding Yourself Without Spending Hours In Practice

balanceGrounding the energy in our bodies is something that should be done on a regular basis.  By regular, this could be several times a day depending on your energy and how you react to things.  The more we ground our energy, the easier it gets to do it and the frequency in which we have to ground can become less and less.  We can relieve stress, anxiety, dizziness, and become more calm, centered and focused with grounding.

One of my favorite ways to ground my energy is to bring my focus to my feet.  I become aware of my feet and allow my energy to flow down to my feet.  Often when I am meditating I find myself floating out of my body, and this is a really quick way to get back into your body and feel centered.  It wasn’t easy to do this at first, but with practice I can ground my energy and be centered within seconds.

If you are new to grounding, a really great and simple way to ground your energy is through visualization.  There are many different ways to visualize yourself grounding your energy.  What worked best for me was to visualize a ball of energy at the base of my neck.  It can be any colour you like. I would then send that ball of energy down my spine and once I hit the base of my spine (Root Chakra) I would shift it into a cord and continue moving downward from the base of my spine towards the ground.

Once I reached the ground I then shifted the cord into roots and allowed the roots to permeate the earth and go deep into the ground.  At that point I would focus my attention up to my Crown, and bring white light in through my crown and travel down through the same path as I started until I reached the bottom of the roots.  This was great for me.  It took a few minutes to do, but also became faster to do each time I practiced it.

It’s great to try out a few visualizations, and then find what works best for you.  You can even take bits from different types and create your own.  What’s important is to feel centered and balanced at the end.

If you have a favorite grounding technique, feel free to share below!

3 Ways To Activate Your Third Eye Chakra

Third EyeThe Third Eye can sometimes be a tricky chakra to open up. Often it is sluggish and takes practice to get things moving.  If you are finding that you are having trouble with opening up or activating your Third Eye Chakra, I have a few ideas that may help you.

Before I go into the list of how’s, we may want to ask ourselves why we want to open up this Chakra.  Setting intentions are a great way to start with opening up this Chakra.  Do we want to tap into a heightened sense of awareness?  Or perhaps to practice lucid dreaming?  Maybe you would like to tap into your intuition more to help you with everyday life.  Whatever your reason is, it is a great idea to get clear on it and set it before you start.

Meditation is where it’s at.  Start with setting aside 10 minutes everyday to just sit and focus on your breathing.  Allow yourself to practice being in the moment.  It’s important to learn how to quiet your mind so that you can tap into the things your aren’t sensing, seeing or hearing.  Once you have practiced focusing on your breathing and ensuring that you are taking in deep calming breaths, start to visualize clearing out your Third Eye Chakra.  You can do this by bringing white light in through your crown and allow it to envelope the Third Eye, or you can visualize a hallway and walk towards a door that opens up to bright white light.  Play around with this and see what feels best for you.  Balancing your other chakras within your meditation will also help you to open up that Third Eye Chakra.

Secondly, I would look at detoxing your body.  Water intake is important here.  Make sure you are drinking enough water and that the PH of your water is at a minimum of 7.  A very simple way of bringing up the water PH level is to add lemon to it.  Most tap water or bottled water is sitting at a level of 5-7 PH.  Removing fluoride from your body is important too.  This is known to help de-calcify the Pineal Gland, which is associated with the Third Eye Chakra.  Look at switching your toothpaste to a natural one and find out if there is fluoride in your water.  If so, you will want to get a filtration system that takes this out.  Lastly, look at increasing your vegetable intake.  I’m talking about your greens…not carrots or corn or peas.  Leafy greens and any green veggie.  This is going to help detox and unclog that Chakra.

The third tip I have for you is to use a crystal to help open up that Third Eye Chakra.  When I first started working on opening up my Third Eye I used Fluorite, Moonstone and Selenite.  These are still my favorite go to stones if I want a boost in that Chakra.  You can also try Amethyst or Sodalite.  A sure way to tell if that stone is working is if you start to feel tingling or a shift (lightening) in denseness in your Third Eye.

There are many ways to open up that Chakra.  These 3 are my favorite and what I found to be most successful.

What are your favorite ways to open up the Third Eye Chakra?


Meditation Made Easy

I’ve had many people tell me that they find meditation to be quite frustrating and that they can’t seem to grasp it.  I can totally relate to this.

When I first started meditating, it would drive me nuts!  I would get so frustrated and give up after a couple of minutes.  I would sit there and wonder how is it that I am supposed to turn my mind off when as soon as I sit down, I get 8 million different things going around and around in my head?!  I think that many people struggle with this, just as I did starting out.  I have a few tips that will help you on your way to a more enjoyable meditation session.

Read the rest of this entry »

Need Help Meditating?

One of the first things I learned from my mentor about developing psychic abilities is the importance of meditating on a regular basis.  But what is meditation? How does one meditate?  Is there a right way or a wrong way to meditate?  These were some of the first questions I wondered….

As a beginner, I would quite often fall asleep about 5 minutes into any meditation, whether it was on my own or with a guided audio meditation.  I would have trouble quieting my mind and I was easily distracted with outside noises.  I didn’t really know what to meditate about or what to do when I was “meditating”.  I was really starting to get frustrated with sitting there and waiting for something magical to happen.  🙂

So, what changed??  Well, I received some great tips from my mentor, but a lot of the help I received came from the book she has just written about meditation.  For me, it came at the perfect time, as most things do.  This book is great for a beginner at meditation, as well as a great refresher for people that have been meditating for years.  It is easy to read and flows really well.

The name of the book is “The Secret of Simple Meditation”, by Tamara Hawk.

In this book  she talks about:

  • How to Meditate
  • Balancing Energy and Chakras
  • Intentions and Affirmations
  • Awareness, plus much more…

I am really glad I read this book as it helped me with putting a step-by-step system system together for doing my meditations.  As a beginner, having a simple system to follow made it so much easier to get into a routine of meditating on a regular basis.  Things are starting to flow better for me, I feel more balanced and I recognize when I am out of balance much faster now.

If you are struggling with your meditating and need some help, then consider reading this book.  I’m so glad I did.

Thanks Tamara!
