Keeping Commitments When You Want To Give Up

winnerAt the end of December I decided to participate in a 21 day blog post challenge.  We write one blog post everyday for 21 days.  Today is day 14, so a little over halfway there.

Today has been the first day that I am finding it challenging to write a post.  We received news about the cost of fixing the leaks in the basement and it is quite a hefty price tag!  We found out that the house has no drain tile around the house.  We have an older house, built in the 70’s.  So, we will have to be waterproofing and adding drain tile to the outside of the house.  I’m sure this sounds stressful, but really I feel OK about how things are unfolding.  I am trusting that everything is going to turn out perfectly, so the decisions we are making around this are going to be just fine.

The challenge I am facing with writing a post is one of pure habit.  When things get a little tough, I have had this habit of using the tough situations to not follow through with commitments I have made.  I have been working on breaking this habit for a while, and for the most part I don’t do that anymore.  However, today I could really feel that energy creeping in.

I became aware of what I was saying to myself after we found out the news (about 2 hours ago) and I was aware of how I was feeling.  I found myself starting to say things like, “I don’t feel like doing a post today”, or “I need to focus on other stuff before I do my post today”, or “I REALLY don’t know what I am going to write about today”.  I was really working on a way to justify getting out of this commitment.

So, I decided to do something to change the state of my energy.  I was feeling OK, but I knew I could feel better.  So in that moment, I asked myself what would make me Feel Good Now?  My answer was a coffee and a Nanaimo bar.  So, I made that coffee and had it with a piece of Nanaimo bar.  It was damn good!  I enjoyed it!  While having that little break, I decided that I wouldn’t break this commitment, and surely there was something I could write about!  That I could provide some piece of value to the Universe today!

I guess where I am going with this, is this.  If you have made commitments to yourself (as it is New Years and the time of resolutions), then find a way to keep those commitments.  Find a way to change your state and re-align yourself with those commitments.

If you have to break the commitment down into smaller pieces to make it more manageable, then do that!  Make it easy to win!  For example, if you have decided to lose 50 lbs and you are finding this too daunting, then modify.  Start with part one of your 50 lbs weight loss, which is to lose 10lbs.  Just making that distinction changes the energy around the goal and changes your energy.

I’ve learned that it’s really important to keep our commitments.  It allows us to feel good, to feel proud of accomplishing something.  If we have to start small, that’s awesome.  It allows us to grow into bigger goals, bigger dreams.  We want to feel like winners, right?  What better way to do that than with setting an attainable goal, keep it easy to win and tackle it!

So here I am at the end of my blog post now, and look…it’s done!  I won!  Post 14 of my 21 day commitment.  😀




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5 Responses to “Keeping Commitments When You Want To Give Up”

  • Congratulations!!!!
    I swear I've had a day just like yours… coffee and Nanaimo bar sounds good (might have to substitute a chocolate chip cookie though).

  • Thank you Drea! I look forward to receiving your blog posts. This one is especially great, can really relate to it. I feel inspired now to redefine a commitment around painting that has been abandoned "for good reasons" and get back to it.

  • Jabeel Janmohamed:

    Thanks for this Drea! I had one of the most stressful days in a long time and the last thing I wanted to do was write my blog post for today. But then I read your post and got off my "pity potty", went and made myself and cup of tea and relaxed my brain for a bit, and then came back and knocked out my fastest ever blog post 🙂

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