Finding My Happy Place

FirefliesLast night I experienced something truly amazing.

I decided to go and stay in a cottage nestled within 400 acres of forested land.  It was a very beautiful place, quiet and peaceful.  The people I was staying with mentioned that the fireflies would be out that evening and that I should take a look out the window once dusk came.  I thought that was pretty cool and figured I would take a look later on.

As dusk approached, I saw a single firefly, which was pretty neat.  I’ve only seen them a couple of times before, so it was kind of neat to see them again.  It was pretty cute…how it was blinking along.  I waited about 15 minutes, just watching this lonely firefly dancing around in the air having a good time.

It was starting to get much darker now and at that point I had decided to go look out another window at a different field.  When I got to the window, I couldn’t believe my eyes.  There were at least 100 fireflies dancing around out there, sparkling in the sky.  It was breathtaking.

I sat there and watched…and allowed myself to just BE.  Be in that moment, looking at these amazing little creatures.  I allowed myself to feel like a child again, lost in wonder, truly happy in this moment.  It was such an overwhelming feeling that came over me.  I was so happy, so at peace and so thankful to have been a part of this magical moment.

At that point in time, nothing else mattered.  It was about being in the moment.  Not worrying about work, bills or what time to wake up the next day.  I was able to feel so much love just standing there looking out the window.  I felt so blessed for being in that moment.  I will never forget it.

How will you find your happy place?

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One Response to “Finding My Happy Place”

  • That is so cool that you found that happy moment of peace. It really sounds like you’ve experienced the type of moment described by Eckhart Tolle in “The Power of Now”.

    It’s the ability to enjoy the present moment awareness on each step in our journey, even when we know that we haven’t yet arrived at the destination point in our journey.

    It’s the classical “stop and smell the roses”, except it’s not just about the roses – it’s about every moment in life. The gratitude radiated during such moment in our lives, activates things like the law of attraction to pull in even more of such wonderous moments you described.

    Very cool post, it completely resonates with the energy of gratitude.


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